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Video Tips & Checklists

Before - Planning the Meeting
  • Invite participants and confirm attendance (use Verizon Conferencing's RSVP line and Blast Fax scheduled through our meeting managers).
  • Distribute a written agenda prior to the call.
  • Request a standing reservation for any regularly scheduled calls.
  • Use graphics to support your presentation, but keep them simple.
  • Create Bar Charts and Pie Charts, which are most effective.
  • Set text font at 16 point or larger and double space.
  • Ensure Video Equipment is working properly - set up camera presets prior to the call.
  • If the room has windows, point cameras away from the sun.
  • Position microphones so everyone can be heard clearly.
  • Establish who will call back in the event of a disconnect-you don't want to be calling each other at the same time.
  • Large name cards will help identify participants.
  • Designate control of the camera to one person; that way, participants won't be distracted if you want to take a close-up of a document or pan the camera from one person to another.
  • Prepare and distribute a meeting agenda and stick to it.
  • Ask participants to arrive 15 minutes early, so you can start the meeting on time.
During the Meeting
  • Try to start on time.
  • Review the meeting agenda.
  • Explain how Q and A will be addressed.
  • Have participants introduce themselves at the beginning and as often as necessary during the conference.
  • Review the mute button feature and express when you would like participants to use this feature at their location.
  • Remember to look at the camera. Keep facial expressions to a minimum, but try to keep a pleasant expression.
  • Watch the way you sit, speak and act, because you're being watched.
  • Limit hand gestures, coughing, finger drumming, and side conversations, especially near the camera and microphone-they're distracting.
  • Periodically check with all participants to ensure they're following the conversation, that the microphones are positioned correctly and that everyone can see each other.
  • Periodically look into the camera and "make eye contact" as though you were in a face-to-face meeting.
  • Be aware of which camera is in use. If you switch to a document camera to display a photo, make sure to switch back to the main camera when discussion turns to other topics.
  • Try to use different speakers during the meeting. Participants can get tired of listening to one person talk for a length of time. Break up the monotony.
  • Pause after speaking, to give participants at the other end a chance to respond or ask questions.
  • If you are conducting the meeting at 128 or 112, explain the delay and ask that participants raise their hand and state their name and site before asking a question. This will keep the meeting in order and allow for transmission delays when running at a slower speed.
  • Speak in a normal voice. Remember: the speakerphone is voice-activated and will pick up the loudest sound in the room. Avoid shuffling papers near the microphone.
  • Mute the microphone if private sidebar conversations are necessary.

After the Meeting

  • Ask participants if the conference was effective. The key to video conferencing is to forget that the equipment is even there.