
Webex Plug-Ins (WBS 33)Webex Desktop ApplicationThis new application combines the previous Meeting Center Application, Event Center Application, and Productivity Tools into one install, which may require administrator rights.To start or join a meeting or event, or to schedule Webex sessions from other programs, you will need to download, install, and configure the Webex Meetings Desktop Application. The first time you join or start a meeting, the Desktop Application will automatically be installed; however you can also manually download and install it. Windows Webex Desktop Application Productivity ToolsWebex Meeting Center -Previously, to start or join a meeting, you needed to download, install, and configure the Webex Productivity Tools application. With the new combination of Webex Productivity Tools into the Webex Desktop Application:
Meeting Center ApplicationWebEx Meeting Center - Previously, to start or join a meeting, you needed to download, install, and configure the Webex Meeting Center application. The first time you joined or started a meeting, the Meeting Center application was automatically installed. With the new combination of Meeting Center into the Webex Desktop Application :
Event Center ApplicationWebEx Event Manager - Previously, to start or join an event, you needed to download, install, and configure the Webex Meeting Center application. The first time you joined or started a meeting, the Event Center application was automatically installed. With the new combination of Event Center into the Webex Desktop Application:
WebEx Poll Questionnaire EditorYou can use a standalone version of Webex Poll Questionnaire Editor to create or edit poll questionnaires without starting a meeting.Download Recorder and PlayersWebex offers a variety of recorders and players that you can use to record, play, and edit meetingsWebEx Player and Network Recording PlayerYou can download and install a standalone version of the Webex Player or Network Recording Player to play back any recording that was made using the Webex Recorder or Network-Based Recorder.For information on using Webex recorders, players, and editors, refer to Webex Help Central "Record Meetings" section. WebEx Network Recording Player for Advanced Recording Format (.arf) filesThis Webex Network Recording Player allows interactive playback of Webex Advanced Recording Format (.arf) files that have been streamed or downloaded to your site.With this Webex Network Recording Player, you can control the session panels, just as in live Webex meetings, and navigate to an event in the recording via the Table of Contents. Advanced Recording Format files contain all audio from the recorded session, including Webex Integrated Teleconferencing, 3rd Party Conferencing, VoIP, and Audio Broadcasting. The standard format for recordings created after February 28th is MP4. You can play MP4 files on any device that supports MP4 playback. Operator assisted recordings created prior to March 1st are ARF format. To download the WebEx Player or Network Recording Player, click one of the following links:
* For audio playback, a sound card and speakers, or a headphone jack and headphones, are required Third Party LicensesThese Cisco WebEx products may include certain free/open source software. The license terms for such free/open source software and information on obtaining access to the source code to which you are entitled under the applicable free/open source license(s) (such as the GNU Lesser/General Public License) are available to you at If you have any questions regarding this link or the information regarding free/open source software, please contact us at |