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Go Green with Conferencing Services
from Verizon Business

You know that using audio, video and net conferencing from Verizon Business can help you decrease the time you spend traveling to meetings and thereby increase your productivity. But what you may not have considered is the additional impact of your actions on the environment.

If you don't think that replacing your travel with conferencing -- whether for an out-of-town meeting or just in your daily commute to the office -- makes a difference, think again.

Frost and Sullivan recognizes Verizon Business for environmental initiatives

Case Study:
Verizon Helps EDS Achieve Carbon Reduction Targets
Impacts of Telecommuting
According to a joint report by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the European Telecommunications Network Operators (ETNO), telecommuting just one or two days per week could decrease rush hours, resulting in less emissions polluting the air in cities worldwide. In addition, the report found that 10 million flexi-workers could yield savings of over 11 million metric tons of CO2 emission, and 30 million telecommuters could achieve over 34 million metric tons of savings.
For more information on Verizon's own green efforts, please see our Environmental Responsibility page

View the various ways Verizon Business can help your organization go green.