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Instant Replay Plus

Make Your Conferences Available To Anyone, Any Time
It's not always possible to schedule conference calls so that everyone can attend, especially in today's Global Market. In fact, a recent study showed that busy executives were spending an average of 40 minutes after every meeting briefing those who were unable to attend. Now you can allow them to listen to a digital recording of the call at their convenience; thereby extending your reach while freeing you from time-consuming administrative chores.

Instant Replay Plus
With Instant Replay Plus you can you record your meeting as it happens and then allow people to listen to it at their convenience simply by calling a standard or toll free number - 24 hours a day.

Applications for All Fields
Instant Replay Plus can save you money when used for a variety of applications:

  • Disseminate information about employee benefits
  • Provide crisis management information for either internal groups or customers
  • Create an information line for customers which contains product or investor information
  • Keep international divisions current
  • Enable participants of the live call to review details for clarification

Advantage for Your Business
Instant Replay Plus is a convenient, flexible tool that can be used in many ways to enhance your business. Some of the many advantages are:

  • Saves time
  • Saves money
  • Reaches more customers and/or employees
  • Provides feedback fast
  • Does not require an investment in equipment by you or your listeners

Now No One Has To Miss A Single Word
For more information, contact your Verizon Business Account Manager or call a conferencing specialist at 1-800-480-3600. If you are an existing U.S. customer, call 1-800-475-5000 or 1-402-530-8092 to reserve Instant Replay Plus on your next conference call.